I will be more ubiquitous than Michael Nagrant in local food media over the next week or so. For starters, on Wednesday at noon I will again be was a participant in one of those Vocalo Lunchbox discussions; the link for the transcript is here.
The next day, I’ll have some items in the Reader’s annual Best of Chicago issue, including Best Macarons. I’ll link them here when they exist. UPDATE: here are my choices for macarons, cheese and Supermercado Taqueria, and there are plenty more from the likes of Hammond, Sula, Kate Schmidt, Philip Montoro, etc. But be sure to look for the print issue, where my supermercado and my picture of it get the splash treatment right at the beginning:
You’ve seen that one here.
Speaking of macarons, Sula wrote about these macaroons (the coconut kind) and they’re awesome.
More to come next week…