Sky Full of Bacon

Thank You, Mr. Moto

So I zipped by Moto today and shot a quick interview about raccoon meat with mad scientist chef Homaro Cantu, star of the only Iron Chef episode you really need to watch ever. Three observations:

1. 11:46, while waiting outside, I took out my camera, assembled it onto my monopod, and began shooting exterior shots of Moto’s signage. 11:48, a guy came out of the packing company next door wanting to know if I was taking pictures of them. It was an interesting little standoff; he wasn’t threatening at all, but he was so resolutely good cop, chatting me up genially but persistently even after I said I wasn’t and was just there to talk to Cantu, that it was obvious bad cop was just inside waiting to hear how it went and escalate it if need be, the way Sonny escalated things with the photographers outside Connie’s wedding.

That’s in case you forgot that the warehouse district that Moto, Follia etc. live in isn’t just a stage backdrop for hip restaurants.

2. Cantu’s voice sounds almost exactly like Doug “Hot Doug” Sohn’s. Separated at birth!

3. I started shooting at 12:05 and was out by 12:20. Cantu said the last camera crew he had in there was shooting a short testimonial type thing for an event. They brought 14 people and a teleprompter, and took nine hours.

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