I suck at sucking up to networking with other bloggers, mainly because hell, who has time to do all that when you’re, uh, when you should be editing your next podcast. So I’m going to institute a new feature which will be the only way I know of to force me to go out and link to stuff. It’s called 7 Links of Terror, just because, well, something called Sky Full of Bacon has already left town on the Goofy Name Bus. Despite the name, it’s mainly really a food linkage feature, but other things may sneak in from time to time; some of it will be showering favor on people I know, but still with enough discrimination that I hope you’ll find it interesting. And yes, you can email me suggestions, or just post them in comments, though I reserve the right to zap them (as I do so much spam, don’t know why they keep trying).
Let’s begin:
1. Dinosaurs and Robots discovers a lost civilization’s chocolate shop in LA.
2. My occasional editor Heather Shouse (Time Out Chicago) has an extremely helpful (for Chicagoans, anyway) guide to Polish sausages. I really like the way they made the photo look like color printing of the 1950s, like in a lot of cookbooks I have.
3. Lakeside Smokers, who linked my head cheese mulefoot pig podcasts, do homemade sous vide.
4. The U.S. Senate has a hot dog dispensing machine. (Best comment: “One thing you don’t want to see made inside another thing you don’t want to see made.”)
5. All hail the Stuckey’s Pecan Log Roll… even all the way from Switzerland.
6. Art, the chef in my foraging video, has further thoughts on gleaning.
7. What does Thai food look like when it’s being made by the side of the road in Thailand? Check out this blog by a photographer living there.