Sky Full of Bacon

Like a duck takes to bowling

Got this amusingly apt comment from Marlon St. John, the father of one of my sons’ classmates (some of you may have heard him play music around town, too):

What a great show. I am a happy subscriber. It got me thinking how much things have changed since the first “back to the land” movement in the mid-seventies. At that time, I was 9 years old and had just moved to a 40 acre organic farm. I took to gardening like a duck takes to bowling. For me, butchering chickens will never, ever be a fun thing to do. Still, I came to know where food comes from intimately. The same concerns about where and how we get food are still with us. However, where in 1974 l learned some things from Frank Alfrey, who lived across the gravel road, was 90 years old, and had originally cleared the land by hand with his brother, now there aren’t as many left who can explain the right way to plant potatoes. After 14 years living in the City, I’m not sure I could even get dandelions to grow.

I wish you much success finding an audience. There are a lot of people who need to spend time thinking about this stuff.

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